Brian Eklund
Head Coach
Development Goalie Coach for the New Jersey Devils
Goalie Coach AHL Utica Comets
Former USA Hockey Associate Goalie Coach-in-Chief
Former MassHockey Goaltending Development Coordinator
Former Boston University Men’s Hockey Goaltending Coach
Kalena Eklund
Website Design
Office Manager
Yoga Instructor
MassCrease Owners
If you know us, then you know how much we love MassCrease. MassCrease was our first child in many ways. We love it. It was built before we were married and as our business has grown and changed, so has our family. We are obsessed with being the best in the business. We are not afraid of change and we love a challenge.
Coaching Staff
Len Mosca
General Manager
On-Ice Director
Mike Ronan
On-Ice Director
Layne Browning
On-Ice Development Coach